Monday, April 30, 2007

In Sweden

Today was a great day in Sweden, although it was COLD!!!!! The scenery of the city was magnificent! The buildings were beautiful, the weather was nice, and the food was delicious. I am currently staying in the home of my exchange student that came last here and their service to us is wonderful.

We visted a museum today that was all about a ship that had sunk in the Stockholm harbor centuries ago. It sunk in 1628 and in 1961 it was pulled from the water. It took 4 years to pull it from the water, for it was pulled very,very slowly. The ship, which was called the Vasa, was HUGE and very decorative. The museum even showed how to preserve the wood from being eaten away in different situations. I watched a short film on why they think the Vasa capsized. It was thought that there was too little ballast. The shipbuilder, the man that put the ballast in, and an army commander was called to an inquiry with the king. After each one told their story, the film ended saying,``And no one was convicted.`` We were a bit frustrated as people walked out of the audittorium. We expected someone to get caught, but that was it. We walked around the museum a bit more and looked more at what happened on the inside. That was mainly what happened today, but everything else that we did today was walking around Stockholm. Good night everybody!! (Or good morning to most other people!)

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