Wednesday, May 16, 2007

From Bergen, to Stavanger, to Kristiansand

After our stay in Bergen, we took another boat to Stavanger, which took about 4-5 hours. Once we arrived, it took us a bit to actually find the street we were staying on. The street was long, but we finally arrived at the big red house where we were staying. It was about 9:00 when we checked in and apparently that was waffle time! We ate our waffles and took off for our room. The next day, we woke up at about 5:o0 to hop on the train that took off at 6:00. The train was delayed until 7:00 because there was an accident, a dead body was found on the tracks. The train took three hours and then we finally arrived in Kristiansand.


Jay said...

A dead body?
That wouldn't make we want to get on the train. :-P

stacy marie said...

Hi Cousin!

I loooove waffles! Sounds like you guys are having a fun time. Miss you lots and can't wait to hear all about it when you get home!